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eve walkkng_bak

This I’ve been working on for about 10 hours and don’t feel it’s quite where I want it.  I’ve been doing studies of skin and this  is the product of my learning (Still needs work but I’m having trouble figuring out lighting thing properly).  Looks like I need to work on composition, color palette, and fabric some more though.  I’ll get there eventually.

desert temple

This WIP I’ve worked on for 3 hours.  Need to fix the perspective of the temple part.  It’s partially a “photobash”.  I used a reference/mash with my father’s photo of Lees Ferry, AZ.   He will kill me when he finds out I mashed it though, “that’s not ‘real’ painting”.  He’s a Southwest Oil/Acrylic Painter/photographer  and very inspirational You can find his stuff Google + , Fineartamerica in these places.  I envy his skill with environments.

But below is the original photo that he gave me.



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