Been a while… Studies, a sketch and a WIP

I’ve got a lot more studies in my sketchbooks, but I can’t take a picture just yet the sun’s gone down but I hope this will suffice lots of stuff added here anyway I think.still-life2-september-7-2016

I was told by a cool artist on DA [here] that I should focus on something simple with my studies and I choose to see how hue changes with a colored transparency, like canada Dry bottles and also reflection of color on a black shiny surface.  It looks like crap but I learned that mixing the complementary colors of the red and green with transparency it seems just to darken the color behind it there was more red showing behind than I though, it just seemed to darken it.  Half way through my cat decided to stick her butt in the way so added her it in frustration.

self-portrait-2This is a self portrait I did under sunlight instead of a lamp and found that there’s very little value difference throughout the face than with other lighting but there was a bit of hue variation throughout the face.  Didn’t have much time to do that one unfortunaty so weird lines and brush strokes.20160911_120347Value self portrait with lamp and graphite.  Had wet hair so it clumped more than usual.

20160911_120155Value self portrait study in direct sunlight and a mirror again and woodless graphite.20160911_120233

Studying Loomis’s book 20160911_120331A sketch of  a character from my comic that I self portrait/reference piece I’m working on, with Star Wars.  Reference [here]

Been a while… Studies, a sketch and a WIP

Some Studies

So I had a chat on deviantart with a really cool artist who said I might benefit from studies like these so I’ve decided to give it a more thorough try.  So hear we go.still-llife-august-30-2016I did this in 2 hours.  I think I got the cell phone on the wrong perspective, something I definitely need to try again.  I need to work on reflections in a black shiny surface.  But it was a shot.


Here’s a self portrait I did in the mirror.  This one I had a real difficult time with, getting the skin to look…. well, like skin.  And always bad at hair.  I worked for 3 hours on this one and then got hungry and had to leave and the lighting situation changed again so I stopped.  Not sure if it’s my best portrait but it’s something. I’ll be trying more in the mirror and maybe from some photos (not of me).


Some Studies